Books Renewal

Log in to library homepage ( (or log in school’s home page → click "Library" on right corner of the page →enter library page, enter user name and password at file field of “My Library” on the upper left corner → enter personal interface and click “Borrowing Information”, and click “Renewal” button on this page. Click operation is OK. The user name is card number, and password the last six numbers of card-holder’s birthday.

Those who take books, periodicals, and newspaper out without following borrowing formalities shall receive criticism education. In case of a second offence, the offender must write a written examination and will be barred from borrowing books for three months. In case of a third offence, they will be sent to security department. Loss or damage of books, periodicals, and newspapers shall be treated according to related library regulations.

When the library user leaves school (for example because of an internship, graduation, suspension, retirement etc.), he or she must return all books, and follow the cancellation procedures with One-card (school readers) at the information desk.